IREX: Project TEAM: Dr. Hartshorne's Presentations


Below are the links to the presentations that I will be using over the next 6 weeks. I have also included downloable PDF notes for each presentation. If you have any questions or commments, feel free to contact me (see below).


Dr. H

Educational Technology, Day 1: Traditional & Emerging Technologies in the Classroom Overview [PPT] [PDF], ePortfolio Introduction [HTML], & Lesson Plan Introduction [HTML]

Educational Technology, Day 2: Authoring & Creativity Tools; & ePortfolio/Lesson Plan Work-Time [PPT] [PDF]

Educational Technology, Day 3: Design & Usability; Collaboration, Communication, & Social LearningTools [PPT] [PDF]

Educational Technology, Day 4: Publication, Voice, & SharingTools [PPT] [PDF] & ePortfolios/Lesson Plan Work-Time

Educational Technology, Day 5: Q & A Session; Project Work-Time

Fellow Lessons

Fellow ePortfolios


Phone: 407.823.1861
Skype: rhartsho49er