IREX: Project TEAM: ePortfolio


As a tool to document your work over the six-week period at UCF (and potentially beyond), you will be creating an electronic portfolio. In this project, you will plan a 4-page site that illustrates a variety of information about yourself and your experiences. You will also use the electronic portfolio as a tool to publish your lesson plans from the project.

NOTE: This project may be created in a Weebly (suggested), Spruz, or Google Site. Other tools may be used upon consultation.


Page 1: Index/Home

This page should include your name, a photo, and an e-mail link, as well as a self introduction. You might also provide an introduction to the purpose of the ePortfolio, a description of your program at UCF, or other content you feel might be appropriate for an introductory page.

Page 2: Lessons

On this page you will link to all of the projects you have completed in this program, particularly the Technology Rich Lessons. You will also provide brief descriptions of each project as well as a screenshot representing the project (optional).

Page 3: Links/Readings (Resources)

Here you will provide a list of readings (at least 3) and resources (at least 3) you have found useful in your program. This list should be in a consistent format and would ideally be separated by topics. You should also provide brief annotations of the readings.

Page 4: Resume/Vita

Here you will include a web version (as well as a link to a Word and/or PDF version) of a resume/vita.

NOTE: Find specific resources. Do NOT list Wikipedia, Google, or YouTube as a resource. Educators already know about these places to search. If you found an excellent video at YouTube and you're certain the facts represented in the video can be verified, you can list it. :-) Please test all links on this page!


To submit this assignment, simply e-mail the URL to me at .

Due Date: November 1, 2013 (by 5:00 PM)