
        The Library



Computer Lab

Accelerated Reading

Fun and Games

The Meadowbrook Academy library houses over 8,300 resources, including books for all ages, videos, and teacher resources.  You can find biographies like Tim Tebow's "Through My Eyes," as well as books by Dr. Seuss, and series such as "Left Behind" and "Diary of a Wimpy Kid."  (Please click on the links to get additional information on these books and topics).

The Meadowbrook Academy library is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.  Elementary students are able to visit the library with their classes once per week to check out books.  Secondary students may visit before and after school and at their teacher's discretion.

The elementary students learn skills through presentations and interactive games by way of our Mimio whiteboard system.  The students learn about the Dewey Decimal system (video), literary genres, how to choose an interesting book (web article), and favorite authors.  We offer the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) as our library card catalog.
Comfy chairs
Book fair setup
Annually, we host a book fair where the students
given the opportunity to shop for books that they love, while
Meadowbrook Academy earns Scholastic Dollars to purchase
books for our library.  Please visit the Scholastic Book Fair
website for more information.

Our most recent book fair earned our school over $3,500.00 in Scholastic Dollars.  With our profits, we will be adding a number of new books to our shelves, many of which will be Accelerated Reader books.  It is truly a fun and exciting time for our students as we watch their love for reading grow.
Contact Mrs. Hanks.
Last updated 6/13/13