Time Period III (1940's - Present Day)

Vietnam War

The following videos were created by John Green for review purposes

Key Points:

  • The "hot spots" of the Cold War were areas that saw actual phsyical conflict, most of which were in Asia
  • The Korean War was the first true hot spot Americans were involved in from 1950-1953.
    - began as a Civil War between Communist North and non-communist South
    - US got involved to prevent North Korea from creating a unified Communist nation
    - China got involved out of fear that Americans would enter China as well
    - at the end of the war the country was still divided along the original division line (38th parallel)
  • The Vietnam War was a signifcantly more deadly, long and American involvement was more controversial
    - domino theory was the reason for the US involvement
    - originally the US troops were there to only "Advise" South Vietnamese troops
    - major escalation of US involvement happened during Johnson's presidency after the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (upsets balance of power)
    - divided American public opinion (Hawks v. Doves)
    - credibility gap began as American people were being lied to about the war
    - Vietnamization was the gradual removal of troops from the war
    - seen as a failure because after the U.S left the war the country fell to Communism

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