Time Period III (1940's - Present Day)

Conservative Resurgence

The following videos were created by John Green for review purposes

Key Points:

  • Conservatism began to rise within society in the 1950's-60's and truly started to take off in the 1970's with the election of Richard Nixon
  • Many individuals felt traditional family values were in decline so they pushed for conservative Republicans to bring improvements to society
  • Nixon caused the American people to increase their distrust in government with the Watergate Scandal
    - because of this Nixon becomes the first President to resign
  • This distrust continues throughout Ford and Carter's presidencies especially with the Iran Hostage Crisis

Key Points:

  • Ronald Reagan was credited with positively changing America although he was very "hands-off" as a President
  • Stood for family values, and a very conservative society and economy
  • Reaganomics based on supply-side economics and cutting taxes especially for the wealthy
  • Defense spending increased with military build-up based on the hopes of defeating the Soviet Union and end the Cold War
  • Was successful at easing tension with deals in reduction of nuclear weapons
  • Beginning of tension with Middle East with the Iran Contra Affair


Present Day

The following videos were created by John Green for review purposes

Key Points:

  • George H.W. Bush was one of the most qualified presidents in US History
  • The beginning of negative ads in politics
  • End of the Cold War because of the falling apart of the Soviet Union
  • Persian Gulf War began with Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait
  • Domestic issues were ignored by Bush which prevented him from being reelected
    - economic instability
    - rising unemployment
    - increased taxes

Key Points:

  • Clinton's foregin policies were overall ineffective
    - ethnic cleansing in Bosnia
    - genocide is Rwanda
    - Oklahoma City Bombings
    - 1993 Attack on the World Trade Center
  • Domestic policies were slightly more successful
    - welfare reforms
    - economic improvement
    - technological advancements
  • Culture "wars" began especially with increased immigration and increased changing family structure
  • Clinton's downfall came with personal scandals

Key Points:

  • 2000 Presidential Election was the most controversial to date
    - the decision came down to the state of Florida
    - a recount was ordered but didn't happen
    - Bush became President
  • Domestic policies focused on education reform (No Child Left Behind Act) and tax cuts
  • September 11, 2001 changed domestic and foreign policy goals for the rest of Bush's presidency - War on Terrorism
  • Patriot Act and increased internal security gave the government more power and took away personal liberties


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