Key Points:
- 1950's changed social history within the United States
- People were hesitant to question the government or conditions in society out of fear of being labeled a Communist
- Wealth ran rampant throughout the 1950's but was unevenly distributed
- Segregation throughout the country was universal
- Many African American WWII vets began the movement
- Education was the first area of society many pushed for integration
- Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka Kansas - Little Rock Nine
- Massive resistance to integration in the south
- Montgomery Bus Boycott led by Rosa Parks began to push for integration throughout other areas of society
Key Points:
- Much of the key moments of the CIvil RIghts Movement happened in the 1960's
- sit-ins, marches, freedom rides, and freedom summer
- Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" Speech at the March on Washington
- The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited discrimination in all areas of society
- Johnson's Great Society program helped solve domestic problems
- Faction of the Civil Rights Movement turned to violence and Black Power
- led by the Black Panther party
- Civil Rights Movement pushed forward many other equality movements
- anti-war and women's rights movements