The following videos were created by John Green for review purposes
Key Points:
Never actual physical conflict between the two major nations that were having ideological conflict (U.S.S.R aka Soviet Union vs. United States)
The goals of the two main super powers post WWII were very opposite:
- the Soviet Union wanted to expand Communism to create a buffer to prevent Germany from gaining more power.
- the United States wanted to make the world "safe for democracy" and to promote world trade.
Containment policy became the United State's way of dealing with the spread of Communsim
Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, and NATO worked to prevent the spread of Communism throughout Europe through economic and military assistance
Unified American society through mutual fear of Communism especially when Senator Joseph McCarthy claimed he had a list of over 200 communists working in the US government
Positive advancements in technology and society through government funding and Cold War tensions: Interstate Highway System, Space Race, education funding etc.