Time Period III (1940's - Present Day)

Cold War

The following videos were created by John Green for review purposes

Key Points:

  • Never actual physical conflict between the two major nations that were having ideological conflict (U.S.S.R aka Soviet Union vs. United States)
  • The goals of the two main super powers post WWII were very opposite:
    - the Soviet Union wanted to expand Communism to create a buffer to prevent Germany from gaining more power.
    - the United States wanted to make the world "safe for democracy" and to promote world trade.
  • Containment policy became the United State's way of dealing with the spread of Communsim
  • Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, and NATO worked to prevent the spread of Communism throughout Europe through economic and military assistance
  • Unified American society through mutual fear of Communism especially when Senator Joseph McCarthy claimed he had a list of over 200 communists working in the US government
  • Positive advancements in technology and society through government funding and Cold War tensions: Interstate Highway System, Space Race, education funding etc.

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