Time Period II (1890's - 1940's)
Great Depression
The following video was created by John Green for review purposes
Key Points:
- Over production and mechanization cause farmers to go into debt and were unable to pay back loans
- Industrial production slowed as individuals were unable to purchase goods
- Banks failed because of bad loans and speculation in the stock market
- Massive unemployment continued to cause more economic instability and failures in many markets
- Herbert Hoover did very little to combat the Depression so many blame him for the conditions in the country
- World markets were impacted by the depression slowing world trade
New Deal
The following video was created by John Green for review purposes
Key Points:
- FDR's response to the Great Depression based on 3 R's (relief, recovery and reform)
- Redefined the role of the Federal Government by creating more responsibilty for the people
- Called for Bank Holidays to help banks recover from the bank runs and created insurance for people's money in the bank (FDIC)
- Government created programs provided people with job opportunities, funding for industry bail-outs and overall economic stimulus
- Some programs were controversial because they decreased production and increased prices
- Supreme Court overruled and invalidated many New Deal Programs
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